
Strategy without data is just an opinion, which is why we define Crux Strategies as a strategy firm powered by data and technology. We categorize our agency’s core strengths in four areas: bankruptcy & turnarounds, business analytics, healthcare compliance and government relations. While these competencies are not commonly offered at traditional consulting firms, they are the foundation of Crux Strategies. Proven by over five decades of experience, this tactical approach establishes our clients as meaningful and influential forces across both public and private sectors.

Business Analytics

As leaders in healthcare analytics, our experienced team delivers financial performance and operational reports that allow healthcare practices—of any size—to spot trends and take action. Our business analytics solutions provide deep visibility into your organization’s operational and financial data in order seamlessly address and resolve challenges threatening your business.

We believe data should be at the core of every strategic decision you make for your company. This is why Crux Strategies™ built the Aurum™ database. Our proprietary analytics technology, built on over 30 million claims, contains the financial metrics for every hospital, ambulatory surgery center, specialty physician practice and post-acute care facility in the U.S. By leveraging these real-time, cloud-based metrics as the foundation for our data-driven roadmap, we offer an unmatched analysis for clients trying to identify financial and operational challenges. 

Government Relations

Our team is focused on lobbying, issue management, and business development for companies and associations that engage in policy discussions in state and federal arenas. We offer multiple capabilities within government affairs and lobbying in order to advocate crucial public policy issues with elected officials. Our proven methodology advances the image of our clients with key decision makers and other statewide organizations through the following capabilities: government relations; government procurement and appropriations; issue management and marketing; and policy analysis.

Experience has taught us that in order to navigate the public sector,  you must remain relevant with policy makers. That’s how we never stop helping our clients anticipate, navigate, and succeed amid legislative and administrative shifts. We leverage our firsthand relationships and insight to craft and execute unrivaled government strategies. The result is a successful methodology that leads to legislative success.


Challenges are welcome here. We know that the right path is often the most complex and challenging. That’s because two tactics matter most when it comes to making the right decision: maximize revenue and reduce risk. Our team excels at this need by offering clients a seamless approach for corporate strategy, business analytics, healthcare law and government relations. We believe that because these fields are intimately related, it is paramount to have the right experts who are well-versed in each area.

C. Tim Gary
Chief Executive Officer
